Course Catalog

Explore our extensive course catalog, a detailed guide that beckons you into a world of diverse courses meticulously crafted to enrich your comprehension of Scriptures, elevate your ministry skills, and equip you for impactful service in the Kingdom of God. Uncover educational opportunities dedicated to fostering intellectual growth, enlightening your heart, and empowering you for a purposeful life in ministry.

Ministerial License Courses

Our Ministerial License Courses, an enriching collection designed to deepen your understanding of ministry principles, cultivate essential skills, and guide you towards obtaining a ministerial license.

Introduction to Old Testament

This course dives into the overview of the Old Testament books of the Bible. This covers Genesis to Malachi. The main theme of each of these books are completely covered in the duration of the course.

3 credits

College Reading I and II

This course improves students’ reading skills so that they can effectively approach college-level reading. The course content focuses on the thinking skills and strategies necessary for successfully reading and comprehending college-level textbooks. In College Reading II, students will implement strategies to develop pre-reading, active reading, comprehension, vocabulary and critical reading skills which will improve students’ reading and assist them in all their other courses.

3 credits

Church History

This course studies closely the development of the church and provide students with a general survey of the key individual and groups that have helped to shape the direction of the church.

3 credits

Major and Minor Prophets I

In this course, students will study the content and historical background of the Old Testament prophets: the four major prophets (Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentation, and Ezekiel) and the twelve minor prophets (Hosea-Malachi).

3 credits

Ministerial Ethics

This course challenges, as well as encourages spiritual ethics beyond a normal worldview. Our students will understand how to deal with ethical decision and dilemmas in all areas of life.

3 credits

Church Administration

This course explains church administration and its approach from a theological perspective, students will create a stewardship plan, and explain how Christian ethics and pastoral leadership informs church administration.

3 credits

Pastoral Counseling

This course explains church administration and its approach from a theological perspective, students will create a stewardship plan, and explain how Christian ethics and pastoral leadership informs church administration.

3 credits


This course is designed to establish the student in a dispensational understanding of Scripture with a special emphasis on the truths of the dispensation of the grace of God as revealed to and through the Apostle Paul.

3 credits

Personal Evangelism

This course is essentially designed to equip our students in the foundational skills and principles of sharing the gospel on one-on-one with other individuals through the use of prayer, discipleship, and evangelism.

3 credits

Associate Degree in Theology Courses

Our Associate Degree in Theology Courses, meticulously crafted to provide a comprehensive exploration of theological principles, nurturing your intellectual foundation and preparing you for a purposeful and informed ministry. This is a continuum of Year 1 courses listed under the Ministerial license segment.

Introduction to the New Testament

This course is essentially an overview of the New Testament books of the Bible from Matthew to Revelation. Additionally, the main component and theme of each book is carefully considered.

3 credits

Historical Books

This course is an exegetical study centered on the historical, literary, and theological content of the historical books in the Old Testament.

3 credits


In this class you will become familiar with the special introduction of each general epistle, and have a general outline of each book. Students be able to defend the text’s statements regarding introductory matters against intelligent opposition. Having through knowledge of the epistles will be a pertinent step as we expound on the main themes o each book.

3 credits

Theology I

In this course, students are introduced to the doctrines of the triune God, creation and humanity, revelation, and sin. It essentially seeks active appropriation of Christian faith in the context of the church and in engagement with the world.

3 credits


This course provides an introduction to the art and science of Bible Interpretation. Students will learn how to apply the appropriate principles (science) and gain experience (art) of an inductive Bible study, following the steps of observation, interpretation, application, and correlation.

6 credits


This course is a study of the basic principles and techniques of sermon preparation and sermon delivery. Students will acquire the fundamentals of the art of preaching.

6 credits


This course is a thorough examination and articulation of biblical principles of leadership including but not limited to: team building, time management, and people management.

3 credits

Theology II

This course introduces the doctrines of Christ, salvation, the Holy Spirit, the last things, exploring both Scripture and classic and contemporary theological literature. You’ll discover how theology applies to your life and learn how to defend what you believe.

3 credits

An Accredited Institute

Quality education is important, and Hope of Glory International Bible Institute holds accreditation from the National Bible College Association, demonstrating our commitment to upholding the highest standards of excellence.

Hope of Glory International Bible Institute
